The only real change the world is calling for it is the effort of each one for the happiness of all

ecole essentialist, Sundari, spirituel, religion, prière, tolérance, respect, amour, altruisme, divin, dieu, jèsus
Sundari in Costa Rica


Sundari, the founder of the School of Essentialism


“ Remake yourself and the world will change.”





"Sundari is a writer and philosopher.  She has expressed a humanist vision permeated by Jesus’ teaching, Christians’ Master, to the nearest of His original teaching.  In the earlier part of her childhood, she developed a very close bond with Him and she felt and lived His powerful message of love.  This teaching of high spirituality was the common thread in her life, where she was able to apply the principles of the individual reform to the service of others to her and live fully aware during her artistic and musical life in Paris before and after World War Two.


In 1951, her contacts were more sustained and pervading, and the necessity to lay out the fundamental basis of man’s awakening to spirituality by the individual reform led her to create The School of Essentialism; a current of founding thought about self inner work for a better world diametrically opposed to existentialism(philosophical theory which explains that the human being appears in the world, exists and is defined only according to this existence)   Sundari clearly identified the targets of our struggle: Pride and Selfishness, the two keystones, which are putting a brake on our evolution and the elevation of our consciousness.  This demands constant daily work on ourselves while calling on our ability to develop humility.  The spiritual bonds and our inner work are inseparable.


The currents of too many thoughts of our world are in trouble and go nowhere because the proposed path is often at the level of a fantasist imagination or a ranking of our mind which often leads us to sublimate our ego. Apparently this has not made us better beings.


The present times demonstrate to us that the addiction to ultra materialism leads our world to a physical and philosophical dead end.  We’re caught in venerating a digital world, which removes us from our original evolution plan and from the universal laws of love and wisdom.


The exponential acceleration of our lives distances us away from our deep inner being a little more. But this acceleration can also be a great vector which enlightens the beings of good will, who have the desire to become aware of their flaws.  This is done through inner mechanisms, which block the awakening to superior vibrations.


A simple saying from Sundari;   “Remake yourself and the world will change.” This precise teaching, unjust to our false self, is lived to the nearest of our conscience and it measures itself by our capacity of being happy in the present moment.  

It is through her writings and spiritual songs and conferences, drawn from the deepest part of her heart and her link with the Master Jesus, that Sundari broadcast her message of love associated with a simple teaching accessible to all when she traveled to Europe, Africa and in the American continent.  

The teaching is free of charge. Its only condition is to reform ourselves by working on ourselves and by applying ourselves to what we are looking to impose on others.

A full program, which she made her own while following the footsteps of the Great Beings, to the transition actually operating toward a new world." 



Sundari founded the Essentialist School in Paris in 1951.


It is a school without walls and without registration fees where those who feel ready to begin the reform of their being can find, in total freedom and without any political, financial, social or religious influence, teaching, training, as well as constant, individual and collective help, completely and totally free. The only condition for admission is sincerity.



To reform is to know yourself, by controlling your thoughts, words and actions.

It is rectifying oneself in order to be able to acquire a new way of living, of thinking, of speaking, of acting, of nourishing oneself and of healing oneself from faults, reflections of pride, selfishness, hypocrisy, lies and materiality. This is how patience, indulgence, tolerance, respect, consideration, finesse and delicacy develop, leading to altruistic love and openness to others.


Sundari says: The time has come to replace the ineffective tradition with personal experience, for only experience can enable (allow) man to measure the greatness, depth and effectiveness of the divine-cosmic laws which contain everything. 



Her 20 books open hearts

and consciences and lead men to reflection. 


entretiens spirituels et sociaux, sundari, monde